Marching Forward



Published Concept
To celebrate Black History Month ‘23: Black Resistance, our team at ROSE created an augmented reality exhibition commemorating moments of Black resistance in recent history. This experience highlights how augmented reality can be used as an important tool for immersive and accessible educational experiences, as well as sustainable tourism. Augmented reality can be used to teach in the classroom and alongside, or instead of, IRL museum exhibits making educational resources available to all. And while Black History Month may be over now, this activation encourages you to learn about Black history all year round.
Effect House | TikTok
Meta Spark | Instagram
8th Wall | WebAR
Lens Studio | Snap
January – February 2023
Tasked to create ROSE's Black History Month activation, I worked with our Creative Director to conceptualize and manage an educational immersive experience. I designed the AR exhibit, outlined the user flow, and defined user stories. Using Blender, I created a few of the 3D assets and gathered additional materials, along with collecting and editing historical images used throughout. To activate the exhibit. users tap to place the exhibit in their space, placing the iconic Black Lives Matter street art text on the ground. 3D statues appear along the text in timeline order corresponding to important moments on Black resistance in recent history. By approaching and tapping the statues, users can learn more about the events through voiceover and captioning. The BLM text also updates with images related to each event for further exploration.
Tools +
🔘 Figma
🔘 Blender
🔘 Illustrator
🔘 Photoshop
🔘 After Effects
🔘 Creative Direction + Ideation
🔘 Content + Messaging
🔘 3D Object Design
🔘 Experience Design
🔘 WebAR Development Creative Oversight
🔘 Figma
🔘 Blender
🔘 Illustrator
🔘 Photoshop
🔘 After Effects
🔘 Figma
🔘 Blender
🔘 Illustrator
🔘 Photoshop
🔘 After Effects
For a Juneteenth launch, we expanded the original activation using Niantic's Lightship VPS. VPS enabled us to localize users with their devices and persist AR content dependent on their location. Using 8th Wall's wayspot map, I identified three locations across the country related to the theme of Black resistance. With this system, users can explore important locations and sites in Los Angeles, New York City, and Washington D.C. with additional content specific to each location. If users are within 15 minutes walking distant to the location, they will be notified of the site on activation start. With the implemented Google Maps API, users will be directed to the activation site where they are instructed to scan the physical wayspot. After successfully scanning the wayspot and the system localizing the user to the area, the Marching Forward exhibit is automatically placed in their environment with information on the importance of their specific location.